sapes71956 Geriaifis

понедельник, 19 декабря 2022
22:03 Brixton Academy: Security worker dies after Asake gig crush
A second woman has died after being injured in a crush at a gig at London's Brixton O2 Academy.

Gabrielle Hutchinson, 23, who was working as a security contractor that night, died in hospital in the early hours of Monday.

The concert, by Afro-pop singer Asake, was cut short on Thursday after a "large number of people" tried to force their way inside, the Met Police said.

Mother-of-two Rebecca Ikumelo, 33, from Newham, east London, died on Saturday.

A 21-year-old woman remains in a critical condition in hospital following the crush at Asake's third sold-out show at the south London venue last week.

The Met said: "At this time we have established that the three women who were critically injured, including Rebecca Ikumelo and Gabrielle Hutchinson who have tragically died, were all in the foyer of the building."

It added detectives were "working hard to establish exactly what happened on Thursday night", and described the investigation as "large and complex".

Police are reviewing CCTV, phone footage, speaking to witnesses and conducting forensic examinations.

The first officers were reported to be on the scene at 21:11 GMT, seven minutes after they were called.

Videos on social media showed the crowd stretching from the road outside to the venue's doors, one of which was smashed.

Ch Supt Colin Wingrove, policing commander for Lambeth and Southwark, said: "It is devastating news that a second person has lost their life following the events on Thursday.

"I wish to express my heartfelt condolences to Gabrielle's family at this unimaginably difficult time."

The O2 Academy tweeted its "heartfelt condolences" to Ms Hutchinson's family and friends.

"We continue to be devastated by this tragic situation and are fully supporting the ongoing situation," it said.

Florence Eshalomi, the MP for Vauxhall whose constituency includes Brixton, said she felt "utterly heartbroken" by the deaths of the two women.

London's mayor Sadiq Khan said he was "devastated".

He said: "Gabrielle, like Rebecca Ikumelo, had her whole life ahead of her and had every right to come home safe and well after her shift, working at Brixton Academy."

Ms Ikumelo was a nursing graduate who had been attending the concert.

Her cousin Babatunde Oyejide told the BBC she was a "true, special person" and encouraged people to send prayers to Ms Ikumelo's partner and children.

He said: "She was a very loved person in the neighbourhood and a very caring person, family orientated. She is going to be truly missed and we love her forever."

Asake, who had urged fans without tickets not to turn up at the venue before his first Brixton concert, released a statement following Ms Ikumelo's death in which he said he was "devastated".

"I am overwhelmed with grief and could never have imagined anything like this happening," he wrote.


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22:03 Strictly Come Dancing: Hamza's Wellingborough School 'very proud'
The 2022 Strictly Come Dancing winner's former school has said he has been a "huge inspiration" to his pupils.

BBC wildlife presenter, Hamza Yassin, 32, who attended the private Wellingborough School in Northamptonshire 2004-2008, lifted the glitterball trophy on Saturday.

Head teacher Andrew Holman said he was a "legend" and said the school was "very proud".

Yassin previously said he "would be nowhere" without the school.

The school's website said Yassin originally pursued a medical degree after leaving before switching to zoology, followed by reading for a master's degree in biological photography and imaging.

As one of Britain's up and coming wildlife photographers, he made appearances on BBC's The One Show and programs such as Animal Park, Countryfile and Springwatch before being invited to front his own show on the CBeebies channel, Let's Go For A Walk, in which Ranger Hamza takes children on rambles.

Now living in a remote part of the west Scottish mainland, in December 2019, he went to Antarctica to film for a new season of Sir David Attenborough's The Frozen Planet.

Yassin, who had never had any dance lessons before taking part in the BBC's 14-week entertainment programme, beat Molly Rainford, Fleur East and Helen Skelton in the final, with viewers enjoying the non-dancer's progress.

Mr Holman, who joined the school in 2018, said he had spoken to a few staff who had known him and said "what you saw on the TV is what he was like".

"He was very down to earth, very rounded and wore his heart on his sleeve," he said.

"He was very new to the area as his family had only recently moved from Sudan, but he settled in quickly and was willing to give things a go and get in, which is what he has stuck done on Strictly and we are very proud. "

He said the former pupil had shown what they try to instil in their pupils every day.

"We always say think big, think what you can achieve and give it a go, you never know what will happen, and that's what we've seen in the past three months," he said.

"It's about having a can-do attitude.

The head added that Hamza had been a "huge inspiration" to the school and that everyone was very excited knowing that he had once walked its corridors and classrooms.

"There are so many inspirational people, but as a pupil here, seeing someone who has come from where they are and have a job that they love and other strings to their bow, it's just wonderful," he said.

"You can't ask for a better role model.

" They say 'you can't be what you can't see' but this is the other way round, 'you can be what you can see' and the pupils think ' that could be me.

"Learning to dance like that in just three months is a massive achievement and will be the subject of many head teacher assemblies."

He added that it was now their "absolute dream" for Yassin to attend their summer school prize giving.

"Everybody wants a bit of Hamza at the moment, but we've been giving him a lot of shout-outs on social media throughout the series and to perk him up before the final, so you never know," he said.

Unusually, the school can actually boast two Strictly contestants as the Reverend Richard Coles, who attended the school in the 1980s, took part in the 2017 dancing contest.

Less successful than Hamza, the former Communard was the second celebrity to be voted off that year.

Apart from stage schools, Mr Holman thinks they are probably the only mainstream school to claim that double, but he is prepared to be corrected.

"It's not normally a thing that a school celebrates but it shows our pupils have a certain creativity and can think outside the box," he said. -ab26-90f61c4d48b7
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пятница, 16 декабря 2022
20:21 Xi Jinping shackled himself to Covid zero. He is now silent as it crumbles
China's president Xi Jinping has staked his political standing and reputation on zero-Covid for almost three years.

He has praised the hardline policy for "putting people and their lives first" and touted its success as evidence of the supremacy of China's authoritarian system, branding himself as the "commander-in-chief" of a "people's war" against the virus.

Xi has since become silent as his expensive policy is abruptly abandoned in the wake of widespread opposition to it.

Covid testing stations, health code scanning signs, and lockdown barriers are being taken down quickly all around the nation. Authorities have abandoned virus-tracking software and have stopped reporting asymptomatic illnesses, which made up the majority of the nation's reported cases as viruses spread rapidly. As cities reduce the use of mass testing and permit people to employ antigen tests to isolate at home, the remaining cases have also lost all significance.

While the loosening of constraining regulations is a long-overdue release for many who have grown weary of the negative economic and social effects of zero-Covid, its abruptness and haphazardness have alarmed, bewildered, or worried citizens.

The general populace is now instructed to be "the first responsible person for your own health" — or, in essence, to fend for themselves — after having their daily lives controlled by Covid regulations imposed by the state and dread of the virus induced by propaganda throughout the pandemic.

State-run media and health authorities have shifted from warning about the virus's dangers to downplaying their concern. Top Covid-19 expert and prominent public spokesperson Zhong Nanshan proposed on Thursday that Omicron should actually be dubbed "coronavirus cold" due to its similar fatality rate to seasonal flu and restricted lung infection.

Antigen testing and over-the-counter medications are in short supply at pharmacies and online retailers in Beijing as a result of citizens' hasty purchases of these items. People stay at home to recuperate from Covid or to prevent getting the disease, leaving streets and commercial centers practically deserted.

The rest of the country is anticipated to follow, if not already in the thick of, the extraordinary coronavirus epidemic that has gripped the Chinese capital.

Throughout, Xi has kept quiet in public about the crucial change and the ensuing upheaval.

The top official was last seen on November 10 at a meeting of the Communist Party's ruling Politburo, leading the fight against Covid, according to state media. He made a promise to carry out "dynamic zero-Covid" there "unwaveringly," while limiting its effects on the economy and society. He challenged leaders to effectively influence public emotion and steer public opinion, promising to "resolutely win the struggle."

The Chinese government responded the following day by releasing 20 new guidelines for "optimizing" COVID measures to reduce their impact on daily life and the economy, while adamantly stating that "it was not an easing of control, let alone reopening or "lying flat""—a term used to describe doing the bare minimum.

However, given Omicron's high rate of transmission, Xi's instructions for both viral eradication and economic stability proved to be an impossible task for local authorities. Local officials implemented severe lockdowns and quarantines as cases increased around Beijing, Guangzhou, and Chongqing, dashing public hopes for a break from the strangling measures that have upended lives, closed businesses, and resulted in an ever-growing litany of catastrophes.

Then, a fatal apartment fire in the western city of Urumqi served as the breaking point, causing a general outcry from those who had had enough. The nation-wide zero-Covid protests were the most overt challenge to Xi's authority since he took office.

The zero-Covid regime was swiftly and thoroughly overthrown, and propaganda messaging quickly turned around. The transition was required due to the financial cost, economic hardship, and unstoppable nature of a highly contagious virus, but it took an unprecedented outburst of discontent to compel the government to quicken the long-overdue process.

Yanzhong Huang, a senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, said: "It just demonstrates how critical these social protests were in convincing the top leader himself it's the time to move on." Otherwise, it couldn't be understood why, just prior to the protests, they were intensifying their efforts to implement zero-Covid and rolling back their relaxation policy.

It is remarkable how little the administration has planned for such a major departure from the strategy given its fixation with maintaining control. The nation hasn't done enough to prepare, including raising the elderly immunization rate, expanding hospital capacity for emergency and critical care, and storing antiviral drugs.

The party's propaganda machine is already portraying a China advancing "from success to fresh victory" even as foreign experts warn of a grim winter ahead, with some research estimating over a million Covid fatalities.

A front-page column in the People's Daily, the party's official newspaper, on Thursday delivered a favorable assessment of the nation's three-year campaign against Covid. The verdict: Xi's strategy has always been "absolutely correct."

"The reality has amply demonstrated the accuracy, science, and effectiveness of our pandemic policy. It has the people's support and can withstand the test of time, according to the 11,000-word piece, which referenced Shanghai's traumatic two-month lockdown as a noteworthy accomplishment.

The statement read, "After three years of work, we have the circumstances, processes, teams, and medicine to lay the groundwork for an overall triumph in the battle against the pandemic.

According to the official story, the party, and hence its supreme leader Xi, are infallible. Parts of the public will always remember their lived experience during zero-Covid, including the frustration of being confined to home for weeks or even months on end, the desperation of losing jobs and income, and the heartbreak of witnessing loved ones being denied emergency medical care because of strict lockdowns. Regardless of how much the party tries to rewrite history and manipulate the collective memory of the Chinese people, some of the public will always remember their lived experience during zero-Covid. Some people's faith in the government has been permanently damaged.

Dali Yang, a political scientist at the University of Chicago, remarked, "Going back decades, society in China has suffered a lot of scars." "Generational scars are numerous, and there have been many of them. And this is one of them in some ways," he remarked, referring to the anguish caused by zero-Covid.

Chinese officials, medical professionals, and state media have justified the quick withdrawal as being in line with science by pointing to the Omicron variant's lower lethality.

However, Omicron first surfaced almost a year ago, and experts claim that instead of immunizing the elderly or expanding ICU capacity during the past few months, the government has wasted a lot of time and resources on mass testing and constructing temporary quarantine facilities.

"Stop being so pristine. "Do you truly not understand what led to the reopening?" read a Weibo comment.

Why, therefore, did (the government) decide to back off and open up in the winter? Why didn't it succeed in the spring or summer instead? The Party Congress in October was mentioned in a Weibo comment, along with the question, "Why did it have to wait until after the big meeting?"

Some people who have not personally experienced the impact as much—or who believe the impact to be a worthwhile sacrifice—are still in favor of zero-Covid and fear having the virus. They have placed the blame for the limitations being lifted on those who advocated for their reopening, including the protestors who walked to the streets to make their case, rather than investigating why the administration had not made appropriate preparations before abruptly lifting the limits.

Some observers think Beijing needed a political off-ramp to get out of zero-Covid, and the protests gave it a good reason to do so - even though it couldn't publicly admit the protests happened to the Chinese people. Some demonstrators demanded the party and Xi's resignation in addition to an end to Covid lockdowns, in an unprecedented show of political rebellion against the nation's most powerful and autocratic leader in decades.

Unsurprisingly, a top-ranking Chinese ambassador has said that foreign adversaries are igniting a "color revolution" and "seizing the chance for politicization."

Lu Yashi, China's ambassador to France, told French journalists at an embassy event last week: "Initially, people took to the streets to express their dissatisfaction with how local governments were unable to fully and accurately implement measures introduced by the central government, but the protests were quickly exploited by foreign forces."

The party's go-to response to popular discontent is to place the blame on regional governments and foreign powers. But because he has concentrated unheard-of authority in his own hands, Xi naturally bears personal responsibility for the party's policies and how they are carried out. And since he is so tightly linked to zero-Covid, he is also responsible for any possible consequences of its abrupt termination.

The party's boasts about "putting people's lives first" will seem hollow if the wave of widespread diseases causes a spike in deaths, especially among the frail old. Authorities may attempt to conceal the number of Covid fatalities (experts have long questioned China's arbitrary criteria for recording Covid deaths), but it will be more challenging to conceal the lengthy lineups and corpse bags at funeral homes.

For the time being, Xi has persisted in his silence, as he frequently does in tumultuous situations like the early days of the Wuhan breakout and the agonizing weeks of the Shanghai lockdown.

The Council of Foreign Relations analyst Huang claimed that Xi appeared to be momentarily separating himself from the zero-Covid U-turn.

Xi took a flight to Saudi Arabia on December 7, the day the government announced a major retreat from his zero-Covid strategy, for a state visit and regional summits.

"Perhaps he wants to avoid pointing the finger. In if the abrupt reopening results in mass fatalities, he doesn't want to become too involved, Huang said.


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четверг, 15 декабря 2022
21:11 Harry and Meghan Netflix: William screamed at me during summit, says Harry
Prince Harry has described how "terrifying" it was to have his brother "scream and shout" at him when they met to discuss his and Meghan's future.

In a Netflix series, Prince Harry says it was his decision, not Meghan's, to leave after plans for a half-in, half-out royal life were rejected during a family meeting at Sandringham.

He says his father said things that "just simply weren't true" as his grandmother, the Queen, looked on.

Buckingham Palace has not commented.

In the latest and final installations of the docuseries, Harry and Meghan describe why they decided to give up their royal duties and move to the US, claiming they were not supported by the Royal Family during a barrage of negative press that was mainly directed at Meghan .

Meghan talks in detail about how she considered taking her own life. Harry describes how he feels shame looking back at how he reacted, reverting to "Institutional Harry" rather than "husband Harry".

In 2020 the duke and duchess went to Sandringham, the royal estate in Norfolk, to discuss scenarios for the couple's royal role with Harry's father King Charles - then Prince Charles - as well as his brother and grandmother, the late Queen.

He recalls how the meeting went, saying: "It was terrifying to have my brother scream and shout at me and my father say things that just simply weren't true, and my grandmother quietly sit there and sort of take it all in."

He says his preference was to be half in, half out of the Royal Family,

"It became very clear, very quickly that that goal was not up for discussion," he says.

As for the Queen, he says her ultimate responsibility was the institution of the Royal Family.

Harry also says a joint statement was put out after the meeting without his permission in his and his brother's name. The statement denied a story that William had bullied him out of the Royal Family.

He describes the move as a "lie to protect my brother", adding: "There was no other option at this point. I said, 'we need to get out of here'."

He says Meghan had not asked to leave and that saying she drove the decision was "misogyny at its best".

This time it's personal. Deep personal.

The Netflix trailers had hinted at explosive revelations about the monarchy, but in the end the final three episodes of the series had a different kind of impact. It was emotional rather than political.

It was a battle between brothers, with an underlying sense of angriness and betrayal.

People sometimes call the royals a soap opera. This was the Christmas omnibus edition, with claims of shouting matches, underhand dealing, and a big walk out.

And it will set up another chain reaction of stories when they next all meet in front of the public - next year's coronation isn't far away.

In the latest episodes, Meghan also speaks about how she considered taking her own life, before stepping back from the Royal Family.

"It was like 'all of this will stop if I'm not here,'

Meghan's mother, Doria Ragland, says hearing her daughter's thoughts "broke my heart".

Prince Harry says he was devastated after his wife confided in him about her struggles,

But he had been "trained" to worry more about what people were going to think, and he "hated himself" for that, he says.

"What she needed was so much more than I was able to give," he adds.

Meghan says that she wanted to seek help but "wasn't allowed to".

Without being specific as to who "they" were, she says: "They were concerned about how that would look for the institution."

The prince adds: "They knew how bad it was. They thought 'Why couldn't she just deal with it?' As if to say, well, 'everybody else has dealt with it, why can't she deal with it?' But this was different. It was really different."

Meghan's mother is seen looking teary-eyed as she shares her account of that time, adding that her daughter's words were "not easy for a mum to hear".

In a reference to press intrusion in her daughter's life, Ms Ragland said: "I knew it was bad, but to just constantly be picked at by these vultures, just picking away at her spirit, that she would actually think of not wanting to be here."

The filming of the series was completed before the Queen's death in September this year.

Prince Harry's memoir Spare

Information and support: If you or someone you know is feeling emotionally distressed, these organizations offer advice and support. For mental health issues, there are these organizations.

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среда, 14 декабря 2022
21:25 After the migrant boat started sinking, four individuals died
A migrant boat encountered problems while attempting to cross the English Channel on a chilly night, resulting in the deaths of four persons.

Just after 03:30 GMT, a fishing team saw the dinghy sinking in icy waters between Kent and France.

In a dramatic rescue operation, the skipper brought his boat alongside, and his crew carried 31 passengers to safety.

Video taken from the boat shows people yelling for assistance while only wearing T-shirts and tiny life jackets.

The fishing trawler's owner, Ben Squire, posted a video showing crew members using ropes to rescue passengers out of the sea and the boat.

The inflatable boat looks to be filling with water as panicked voices can be heard.

Lifeboats arrive on the site to begin the process of further rescuing victims while helicopter lights beam down from the night sky and carry people away.

According to a government spokeswoman, authorities were informed about a small boat in trouble 30 miles west of Dover at 03:05 GMT.

Mr. Squire, who was not there during the rescue, claimed that skipper Ray Strachan informed him that 31 individuals were saved.

The crew warmed them up by giving them hot showers, their own clothes, and food after transporting them to safety.

The sea was "pretty cold," according to Mr. Squire, and the weather was "a little bit rough."

Temperatures on Tuesday night fell to 1C, however it was probably colder at sea. At the time, Kent was under a yellow ice weather advisory.

He claimed that despite the horrible nature of the event, the crew performed a "cracking job."

According to Mr. Squire, who spoke to the BBC, "They did magnificently" getting that many passengers onto the boat.

According to a source close to the event, 43 individuals have been saved, with more than 30 of them being pulled from the water, according to the BBC's Nick Eardley.

Home Secretary Suella Braverman remarked, "These are the days that we fear."

Rishi Sunak, the prime minister, has expressed his grief for the "tragic loss of human life."

A day after Mr. Sunak pledged increased measures to "stop the boats," it seems likely that the boat was carrying migrants who were risking the journey from France.

In those plans, the PM pledged extra personnel to assist in reducing some of the backlog of asylum cases in the UK by the end of the following year.

Analysis: Serious issues are raised by Rishi Sunak's migration strategy.
Chris Mason: Resolving the asylum backlog is a difficult problem.
Braverman claims that the Channel asylum restriction will save lives.
Ms. Braverman stated the search and rescue effort was still going on in an address to the House of Commons on Wednesday. She also said that she had spoken to Border Force representatives about the tragedy.

In order to aid in the rescue effort, the French Navy, the RNLI, the UK Coastguard, and an air ambulance were all dispatched.

Additionally involved were coast guard helicopters from Lee and Lydd on the Solent.

According to South East Coast Ambulance Service, it received a call after hearing about the event and dispatched staff to Dover, Kent, to assist with the follow-up procedure.

A boat in trouble in the English Channel called a French organization, Utopia 56, which aids migrants in Calais, in the early hours with a voice message and a location.

However, the organization claimed that it was impossible to confirm whether the boat in issue was the source of this distress call.

Several lawmakers have sent their sympathies, including Home Secretary Suella Braverman, who said that those affected were in her "heartfelt thoughts."

More deaths in the Channel are "heartbreaking," according to Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, while Dover MP Natalie Elphicke said she was "extremely grieved" to hear of the tragedy.

The effort comes after a tragic incident in November 2021 when a dinghy carrying migrants from France to the UK capsized, killing at least 27 people.

According to Simon Jones of the BBC, 460 people traveled by small boat from France to Kent between Friday and Sunday.

So far this year, nearly 45,000 individuals have traveled there.

The Archbishop of Canterbury tweeted that discussions concerning asylum seekers "are not about statistics, but precious human lives," adding that he was "pray[ing] for the victims of today's tragic tragedy."

If the government does not open up more channels for refugees to apply for asylum, more people will perish trying to reach safety, according to Tim Naor Hilton of the nonprofit Refugee Action.

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вторник, 13 декабря 2022
21:32 Ukraine war: The Russians locked up for refusing to fight

When his son was sent to fight in Ukraine, Sergei begged him not to go.

"You've got relatives there. Just refuse," Sergei recalls telling Stas, who was already an army officer. "But he said he was going. He believed it was right. I told him that he was a zombie. And that, unfortunately, life would prove that."

Sergei and Stas are not the real names of this father and son. We've changed them to protect their identities. Sergei has invited us to his home to tell us their story.

"So off he went to Ukraine. Then I started getting messages from him asking what would happen if he refused to fight."

Stas told his father about one particular battle.

"He said the [Russian] soldiers had been given no cover; there was no intelligence gathering; no preparation. They'd been ordered to advance, but no one knew what lay ahead.

"But refusing to fight was a difficult decision for him to take. I told him: 'Better to take it. This is not our war. It's not a war of liberation.' He said he would put his refusal in writing. He and several others who'd decided to refuse had their guns taken off them and were put under armed guard."

Sergei made several trips to the front line to try to secure his son's release. He bombarded military officials, prosecutors and investigators with appeals for help.

Eventually his efforts paid off. Stas was sent back to Russia. He revealed to his father what had happened to him in detention: how a "different group" of Russian soldiers had tried to force him to fight.

"They beat him and then they took him outside as if they were going to shoot him. They made him lie on the ground and told him to count to ten. He refused. So, they beat him over the head several times with a pistol. He told me his face was covered in blood.

"Then they took him into a room and told him: 'You're coming with us, otherwise we'll kill you.' But then someone said they'd take my son to work in the storeroom."

Stas was a serving officer when Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February. President Vladimir Putin promised that only professional soldiers would take part in his "special military operation."

But by September that had all changed. The president announced what he called a "partial mobilisation", drafting hundreds of thousands of Russian citizens into the armed forces.

Many of the newly mobilised troops were quick to complain that they were being sent to a war zone without sufficient equipment or adequate training. From Ukraine there have been multiple reports of mobilised Russian troops being detained - in some cases, locked in cellars and basements - for refusing to return to the frontline.

"It's a way of making people go back into that bloodbath," says Elena Popova from Russia's Movement of Conscientious Objectors. "The commanders' aim is to keep the soldiers down there. The commanders know only violence and intimidation. But you cannot force people to fight."

For some Russians, refusing to return to the front line may be a moral stand. But there's a more common explanation.

"Those refusing to fight are doing so because they've had more than their fair share of front line action," explains Elena Popova. "Another reason is the foul way they're being treated. They've spent time in the trenches, getting cold and hungry, but when they come back they just get shouted and sworn at by their commanders."

The Russian authorities dismiss reports of disillusioned soldiers and detention centres as fake news.

"We do not have any camps or incarceration facilities, or the like [for Russian soldiers]," President Putin insisted earlier this month. "This is all nonsense and fake claims and there is nothing to back them up with."

"We do not have any problems with soldiers leaving combat positions," the Kremlin leader continued. "In a situation when there is shelling or bombs falling, all normal people cannot help but react to it, even on the physiological level. But after a certain adaptation period, our men fight brilliantly."

Andrei, a Russian lieutenant, stopped fighting. Deployed to Ukraine in July, Andrei was placed in detention for refusing to carry out orders. He managed to contact his mother, Oxana, back in Russia to tell her what was going on. Once again, we have changed their names.

"He told me he had refused to lead his men to a certain death," Oxana tells me. "As an officer he understood that if they went ahead, they wouldn't get out alive. For that they sent my son to a detention centre. Then I got a text message saying he and four other officers had been put in a basement. They haven't been seen for five months.

"Later I was told that the building they were in had been shelled and that all five men were missing. They said no remains had been found. Their official status is missing in action. It doesn't make sense. It's absurd. The way my son was treated wasn't only illegal, it was inhuman."

Back in his living room, Sergei tells me that what happened to Stas in Ukraine has brought them closer together.

"We're on the same wavelength now," Sergei tells me. "The wall of misunderstanding between us has gone. All his bravado has gone. My son told me, 'I never thought my own country would treat me this way.' He's changed completely. He gets it now."

"People here don't understand how much danger we're in. Not from the opposing side. But from our own side."

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