sapes71956 Geriaifis

вторник, 11 июня 2024
13:02 'Finding Nemo' Nearly Had a Different Sequel That Introduced His Brother
In a time when we are starting to question our desire for sequels and reboots, it is impossible to deny the excitement that comes with the arrival of a new cherished Disney/Pixar movie in theaters. Throughout the course of the last couple of decades, Pixar has established itself as a dominant force in the animation industry thanks to the great plots and fulfilling sequels that it has produced to its original works. The fact that it does, however, make one wonder about the few different scenarios that the studio had in mind for these successful sequels. As was the case with the original Finding Nemo sequel, there have been a few alternative sequels that have never been successful owing to a variety of complicated circumstances.

Pixar had a different plan for this sequel even before the release of Finding Dory in 2016, which took place in 2016. The production company saw that there was significant potential in extending the narratives of their original works, as evidenced by the success of Toy Story 2. Finding Nemo was the first animated feature film to win the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, and it went on to make $871 million at the box office from its release in 2003. Disney made the announcement that Circle 7 Animation will be launching not long after the popularity of these aquatic monsters. Circle 7 Animation is a subsidiary of the studio that was established with the purpose of producing sequels to Pixar IP. The two CEOs, Steve Jobs and Michael Eisner, had a disagreement on the renewal of their respective contracts, which led to the establishment of the studio. The studio was established by Eisner with the intention of producing films that were similar to those produced by Pixar, but without the animation studio. They started off by coming up with creative ideas for Toy Story 3, Monsters Inc. 2, and Finding Nemo 2, among other films. After Disney's acquisition of Pixar in 2006, Circle 7 Animation was terminated, despite the fact that none of these projects actually came to fruition. Nevertheless, the initial premise of Finding Nemo 2 is one that fans of the first film would undoubtedly be interested in exploring further.

Could you tell me about the plot of the sequel to "Finding Nemo 2"?
It has been several years since the development of Finding Nemo 2 was canceled, but the sсript for the sequel was discovered online and is now freely accessible for reading through the internet. Dory, Nemo, and Remy, Nemo's long-lost brother, head out to locate Marlin when he is captured. The tale is written by Laurie Craig and is quite similar to the original. However, the screenplay is flipped so that Dory, Nemo, and other characters go out to find Marlin. In the aftermath of the events that transpired in Finding Nemo, Marlin is gathering with the other parents in the vicinity of the coral reef, watching their children enjoy themselves. He tells them that he is concerned about Nemo being an only child and that he is afraid that he may have become more overprotective as a result of the events that occurred in the previous film. When Nemo's long-lost brother, Remy, finally makes his appearance, everything is transformed into a whole different course of events! In the second installment of the Finding Nemo franchise, the relationship between Nemo and Remy is examined, as is the difficult beginning that they have in their newly discovered brotherhood. Before Nemo and Marlin discovered Remy, he had grown accustomed to being the only child in the family. We get to see the sibling rivalry in garnering our parents' attention, which is something that some of us are all too familiar with. This new family dynamic between these three characters would have been intriguing to observe since it would have given us the opportunity to see it.

The sequel to Finding Nemo also features the return of a few lovable characters, such as Gill. This sсript delves on the exciting adventures that Nemo has with his brother, Remy, as well as the fact that he is under the direction of Dory, who is unexpectedly responsible while still being hilarious, and who regains her complete memory. Additionally, we are able to witness the side adventures that Marlin shared with Percy, the bottlenose dolphin that was captured with him. Marlin is performing in a dolphin tank near the Bay of Gold Coast in Australia, where Percy is a part of an attraction that has dolphins performing stunts such as jumping through hoops. The couple is in the vicinity of the Gold Coast. This is the location of the dolphin amphitheater, where a significant number of the exciting exploits of these lovely marine companions take place. Additionally, Marlin acquires the ability to become a more compassionate parent through his interactions with Blanca, a polar bear, whom he consoles when she is being bullied by the other two polar bears that she is rooming with. At first, she had every intention of eating him in order to persuade the other two polar bears to back off. However, once Marlin shows her some compassion, she realizes that she does not like the acceptance of those who are of the same breed as her. It is a significant event that demonstrates to Marlin that he is capable of becoming the kind and loving parent that he is afraid he will never be able to become. This is because he is able to demonstrate compassion and love toward both of his sons whenever they require his assistance.

It Would Have Been Better to Choose 'Finding Dory' as a Sequel.

The plot of Finding Dory would have made for a much more satisfying sequel, despite the fact that the idea of Finding Nemo 2 has a number of exciting and entertaining adventures that would have been enjoyable to witness on screen. Dory is able to restore a portion of her memory and recalls information about her parents, Jenny and Charlie, in the film Finding Dory. Having arrived at that location, she sets off on a trek to the "Jewel of Morro Bay, California" with Marlin and Nemo following her in order to locate them. Marlin and Nemo are required to make an effort to enter the quarantine area after Dory is taken into custody by staff members of the Marine Life Institute. Dory is brought into quarantine after they arrive. The introduction of the aquatic creatures who are helping Dory, such as Hank the octopus with seven tentacles, Destiny the whale shark with near-sightedness, and Bailey the beluga whale, is just as interesting as the majority of the marine species that we get to witness in this movie. Then there are the two really cool sea lions from California who assist Marlin and Nemo in gaining admission to the Institute.

Finding Dory was not only a commercial triumph, but it also became a favorite among those who are familiar with the Pixar brand. In spite of the fact that many of Pixar's more recent films have not received as much attention as the company's previous films, the studio continues to demonstrate time and again that they are successful in generating creative storylines that are touching.
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